stand up eight.

Fall seven times,

- Japanese Proverb

Transformational Guidance

Strategies for Greater Consciousness when Circling through the Connected and Disconnected…

I am willing to take the journey, to hold a space of birthing oneself into the next expression, that is calling for attention. I have stepped into the path of re-birthing myself, at many points along this unfolding path. It is a unique path for each person and I am passionate about curating each client’s experience, like my own, as sacred and individual. The Lotus Path is made out of your own life and gifts, that are calling to come forth.

Have you ever found yourself existing in ways that you thought didn’t feel serving? What choices did you make? How did you move through and out of that place?

Moving from connected to disconnected and back again, is a metaphor for our life, where we always moving through the energies of birth, death and re-birth. It’s not that we need to change it; we need to learn how to navigate.

How would it feel to be connected to your purest self and remember the wholeness of your being as you move through life? 

Life is a journey and there are practices and tools to support the experience. Spend some time with yourself, recognizing that you have a choice in how you move through your life, in the space of an experiential, transformative session.

Come explore ways that will support you to blossom a new perspective on life.

Bring your curiosity and your desire for being in the journey of life.

Ann’s life purpose is helping and supporting others to become more of who they truly are, to raise their consciousness, and remind them that they are a Being of Light and Love. She honors and recognizes that there is a transformational journey of remembering, that we are each here to be a part of, and she is familiar with walking along The Lotus Path.

She approaches her work from a holistic, intuitive, spiritual perspective with decades of experience as a bodyworker and birth doula. Today her most powerful gift is living as The Love Messenger, a Being of Love and Light, offering her awareness as a Shamanic Transformational Guide, Intuitive Healer, Bodyworker, Writer, Speaker, and workshop facilitator. She knows the beautiful mess that this life is while we are coming home to connection and presence with Self. She creates and holds space, in a safe container.

Any relationship is a journey of discovery, release, and building paths to where each person wants to go. It is a collaboration and when it’s a good fit, it flows, and the support needed for each phase is easily accessible.

Ann honors and recognizes the best in each person and that there is a journey we are here to be a part of.

Everyone can use a little extra support and nudging in life, now and then as things come up. Sometimes we feel stuck or need some guidance in moving through a life transition. 

“It is my honor to hold the space and invite the curiosity in, to help you journey through.

I have noticed that in life people often wish to live like a lotus flower does: naturally, beautifully, and purely. The lotus grows out of the dirty mud under the water, yet keeps its pureness, freshness and beauty.

My vision, as Transformational Guidance, is for you to reconnect with your purest self and remember the wholeness of your being as you move through life. Examining the experiences that show up as challenges, helping support your path to be the next version of you.”

 – Ann Jonas

Both suffering and happiness are of an organic nature, which means they are both transitory; they are always changing.

The flower, when it wilts, becomes the compost. The compost can help grow a flower again.

Happiness is also organic and impermanent by nature.
— Thich Nhat Hanh