
Sacred Connection:

Finding Our Path to Deeper Connection with Self and the Divine

We have Books in Hand!

It has been a labor of love to curate and produce this anthology and I am deeply grateful to have the additional six Co-authors and their contributions. We are all passionate about being in Sacred Connection with Self and the Divine and this book is a gift for all who have it in their presence.

This important and unique book offers a collection of writings from seven incredible thought leaders discussing deeper ways to connect with Self and the Divine.

Each author shares their stories and insights taking the reader on their individual journeys while weaving a thread from one chapter to the next.

This is a powerful anthology that will change the lives of those who read it. If you are seeking deeper connections in your life, you have come to the right place.

Books can be purchased through Amazon for $24.97 by clicking on the image above OR for a personalized and signed copy for $22, including shipping, please email Ann Jonas at [email protected] for payment arrangements and to provide a mailing address.

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Empowered Self-Care:

Healing Body, Mind, and Soul for a Better World

It was my honor and privilege to be a contributing author to this anthology, creating my first published chapter titled, "From Mud to Lotus" and being a part of a supportive body of wisdom, from many unique voices.

Imagine a world where happy people live together in peace and harmony. Imagine a world where your needs were met and your self-care was the number one focus in your life. Now, imagine that that time is sooner than you think! This powerful anthology, Empowered Self-Care: Healing, Body, Mind, and Soul, births the possibility of this empowerment consciousness. This multi-faceted healing manual offers the collective wisdom of numerous holistic leaders. With stress, anxiety, depression, and physical pain on the rise during these changing times, there has never been a more appropriate time in history for each of us to examine our thoughts, practices, and values around our own self-care, and how each of us affects the greater whole. Pull up a seat, lean in, listen-up, and learn from these masterful practitioners, spiritual teachers, transformational coaches, and new thought leaders as they share their hearts, their stories, and their expanded view of empowered self-care. Now is the perfect time to empower your own self-care!

Books can be purchased through Amazon for $17.43 by clicking on the image above OR for a personalized and signed copy for $15, including shipping, please email Ann Jonas at [email protected] for payment arrangements and to provide a mailing address.

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